Posts Tagged ‘learning’

Journalistic Reflection

February 5, 2009

     I would like to start off my first post as a sort of “reflection” of what I have learned thus far in the vast world of journalism.  This semester alone my brain is filled to the brim with various tidbits and facts that I try to remember while writing:  give both sides of the story (it sounds so simple, but yet sometimes getting the other side to respond is oh-so-difficult), reach your deadline, spell check, only use one space after periods, no comma before and, you have the right to use a sidewalk etc…

     Does your head feel like exploding yet?  Other than the rules, another thing I find helpful is keeping up with the headlines.  Before this semester I was not the most “up-to-date” professional.  Now that my professor of perfection (it is just dreadful now, I will thank him every day of my life after this class) has opted to give us a quiz every class, I wake up every morning and read the headlines. What was I doing with my life beforehand?  There is so much information out there, so much going on in the world!  Sure, most of us know that Phelps was caught with pot by now, but did you know about the WWII vet who froze to death in his home?  How about the indestructable guitar?

     Reading these stories, among others, this week really made me think, “where do they find these stories”?  How can I find these stories?  How would I shoot these if I were recording them for our local TV station, KOMU?  These thoughts and others have been in the front of my mind all week (yes, right up there in that frontal lobe) and I hope that as I grow as a journalist these things will become second nature to me.

     So far I have been talking about other people’s stories, but now follow my thought process as I jump onto the topic of my stories for the week.  I work as a radio reporter at Missouri Digital News.  Missouri’s Capitol building is always hopping now that it is in session and I am privileged enough to have access to the press spots in the House and Senate.  Let me tell you first hand, they are a hoot!  They bicker, banter, applaud, laugh, and mess with their iPhones during session.  Our representatives are just like us!  It was refreshing to see that they really are just people working towards one common goal: what the people want. 

     This week I covered a two hour filibuster that prevented the Senate from voting on the possibility of laptops in the chamber. I also covered an interesting story about the state scrambling to find funds to improve MO’s radio communications systems. Today I also drove to the Capitol to be a mean, old, nasty editor.

     As far as my Broadcast II class goes, I am struggling to make ends meet with my story.  I read this article about animals increasing happiness and jumped right on it.  I love animals and I figured if I was enthusiastic about the story, it would shine through.  Two animal shelters in Columbia did not return my calls, but I did set up an interview with a Mizzou professor who allows animals in her classroom.  It should be interesting video, I hope I can find enough footage to make a great story.  That interview is tomorrow at 11 a.m., my project is due by 1 p.m.  I have confidence I will finish on time, though, and sometimes that’s all you need.

Random thought:

Want to see my hero? 
Here she is.

10 points if you know her name.