Posts Tagged ‘meaning’

My Purse’s O-nality.

May 7, 2009

I have learned on my many years on this Earth (haha) that people have come up with many different ways to describe ones personality. So, let’s give a try, shall we? We are going to diagnose my inner psyche by the items in my purse. For those of you who have never seen my purse, it looks like this:


Oh yes…this is going to take a while.

I will tell now tell you what it means to carry a hair brush, journalism notebook, bag of muffin dough, Gameboy color, and so much more! I think I may even be surprised by what we find in my Mary Poppins pit of a bag.

Firstly, here is proof that I actually emptied it out:

Bouche is the Proof

Bouche is the proof.

Now…here are some picture of the disaster that is now on my living room floor.

The Mess

More pictures of the disaster I will be dissecting below:

While I wish I could stay, I have a Meteorology test tomorrow. Keep coming back for more updates on my Purse’s O-nality! Any thoughts on what some of the items could say about my or anyone’s personality? Comment away!

Until finals are over,
